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1. Е. Тарле. История колониальных завоеваний. 2001 г. Москва. Эксмо-Пресс.

2. С. Ю. Витте. Воспоминания. 1960 г. Москва. Соцэкономиздат.

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4. A. Kerensky. Russia and History Turning Point. 1965 . New York.Van Rees Press.

5 . Hryshevsky. History of Ukraine. 1941. New Haven. Yale University Press.

6. Thorsten V. Kalijarvi and Associates. Modern World Politiks. Second Edition. 1950. New York. Tomas Y. Crowell Company.

7. L. Trotsky. 1905. 1971. New York. Random House.

8. L. Trotsky. The Revolution Betrayed. 1937. New York. Doubleday, Doran and Company.

9.      L. Trotsky. Stalin. 1946. New York. Harper and Brothers Publishers.

10.  A. S. P. Taylor. The Origin of the Second World War. 1962. New York. Atheneum.

11.  George Kennan. Russia and the West. 1961. New York. Mentor Book.

12.  A. Hitler. Mein Kampf. 1939. New York. Stackpole Sons Publishers.

13.  Dokuments of Soviet History. 1917 – 1919. Vol. 1. 1991. New York. Academic International Press.

14.  A. I. Denikin. The Russian Turmoil. 1973. Westport. Hiperion Press.

15.  A. I. Denikin. The White Army. 1973. Westport. Hyperion Press.

16.  Richard Pipes. The Russian Revolution. 1990. New York. Alfred A. Knopf.

17.  Richard Pipes. Russia ander the Bolshevik Regime. 1993. New York. Alfred A. Knopf.

18.  The Russian Provisional Government. 1917. 1961. Stanford University Press.

19.  J. D. Clarkson. A History of Russia. 1969. New York. Random House.

20.  N. Riasanovsky. A History of Russia. 1993. New York. Oxford University Press.

21.  B. Dmytryshyn. USSR. A concise History. 1984. New York. Charles Scribners Sons.

22.  Fritz Fisher. Germany’s Aims in the First World War. 1967. New York. W.W. Norton and Company.

23.  Benjamin W. Segel. A Lie and Libel. The History of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 1995. London. University of Nebraska Press.

24.  McSherry, James. Stalin, Hitler and Europe. Vol. 1. 1968. Arlington. The Open Door Press.

25.  A. J. P. Taylor. First World War. 1964. New York. G.P. Putnams Sons.

26.  James L. Stokesbury. A Short History of World War I. 1981. New York. William Morrow Company.

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29.  Г. К. Жуков. Размышления и воспоминания. 2002 г. Москва. Олма-Пресс.

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31.  В. И. Олимпиев. 1945 год. Взгляд из окопа. 1991 г. С. Петербург.

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35.  Martin Gilbert. The Second World War. 1991. New York. Henry Holt.

36.  Alan Clark. Barbarossa. The Russian- German conflict. 1941-1945. 1965. New York. Morrow.

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42.  Winston S. Churchill. The Hinge of Fate. 1950. Boston. Houghton Miffin Company.

43.  Winston S. Churchill. Memoirs of Second World War. 1959. Boston. Houghton Miffin Company.

44.  Winston S. Churchill. Triumph and Tragedy. 1953. Boston. Houghton Miffin Company.

45.  A. Werth. Russia at War. 1941-1945. 1964. New York. Dutton.

46.  Omer Bartov. Hitler’s Army. 1991. New York. Oxford University Company.

47.  John Erickson. The Road to Stalingrad. 1975. London. Harper and Row Publishers.

48.  John Erickson. The Road to Berlin. 1978. London. Harper and Row Publishers.

49.  Dallin. German Rul in Russia. 1941-1944. 1981. Colorado. Westview Press.

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51.  William L. Shirer. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. 1960. New York. Simon and Shuster.

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55.  A Mosaic of victims: non-jews persecuted and murdered by Nazis. 1990. New York. New York University Press.

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57.  Barton Whaley. Codeword Barbarossa. 1973. London. The MITpress.

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62.  Е. Гайдар. Дни поражений и побед. 1997 г. Москва. Вагриус.

63.  Allan Nevins and Henry Commager. A Pocket History of The United States. 1967. New York. Washington Press.

64.  Leon Goure. The Siege of Leningrad. 1962. London. Stanford.

65.  Kent R. Greenfield. American Strategy in World War II. 1963. New York. John Hopkins Press.

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67. Stepen Ambrose, Caleb Carr, John Keegan, William Manchester, and others. No End Save Victory. 2001. New York. Berkley Books.

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69. Charles L. Mee, Jr. Meeting at Potsdam. M. Evans and Company, Inc. 1975 N. Y.

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71. Geoffrey Roberts. Ctalin,s Wars. From World War to Cold War, 1939-1953. 2006. Yale University Press New Haven and Londjn.

72. Roy Medvedev. Let the History Judge. Colambia University Press. 1989. N.Y.

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